Saturday 22 January 2011

The Bermuda Festival- ECCO

Yesterday morning I went to this year's first Bermuda Festival Outreach event. Each year, the Festival hosts a series of special performances and master classes for Bermuda's students. ECCO - The East Coast Chamber Orchestra put on a wonderful event in the theatre at City Hall. Last night I went to the performance and enjoyed it so much that  am going back again tonight. They are performing different pieces tonight, so I am looking forward to seeing them again. There are still some tickets available, call 232-2255 or they can be purchased at the box office which opens one hour before the show.

Tai Murray was such a joy to watch play. She was wonderfully animated and her face is so incredibly expressive. As they do not have a conductor, it is crucial that they watch each other to ensure that they remain perfectly in time.

Throughout the programme, they used the analogy of the music being like baking chocolate chip cookies. They broke down a piece and each section played their part separately. The cellos were compared to the flour, the violas the eggs and the violins the chips. At the end of the performance  there were chocolate chip cookies for everyone. I did have one too - so yummy!!!

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