Thursday 6 January 2011

Dying Gracefully...

I love watching tulips. Everyday the stems twist and turn, slowly the blooms open, then the petals bend and become translucent until eventually, one by one, they gently drop off. This vase has been in my bedroom for about 8 days and seeing the way the late afternoon sun shines through just makes me happy...

Just after Thanksgiving I bought 17 terracotta pots. I painted them and planted three bulbs in each. It was such a joy to watch them grow, ever so slowly, only about half an inch a day. Then about ten days ago, just before Christmas they suddenly took off and bloomed. The timing was perfect! I gave them away to family and friends who have all left messages saying how divine the smell is or how the little white flowers make their day. I did keep a few for myself and the smell is just lovely. And, like the tulips, the way the sun makes them glow is just beautiful. Sadly, they are starting to fall over, so whenever one topples over, I cut the stem and put it in a vase with the previous lot. It is probably only a matter of days before they all die, but it has been a wonderful six weeks watching something so beautiful come from a tiny flaky bulb. And the best part is that I can recycle both the pots and the bulbs next year...

1 comment:

  1. I can attest to happy they have made me and I am one of those people who has left gushing messages on the answer phone. The tulips you brought on xmas day have finally withered to nothing, yet the paperwhites bring me so much joy as I drink in their scent every day. Thank you for the lovely pot, the beautiful sweet scented Narcissus, and most importantly, for your thoughtfulness. Love you xxx
