Wednesday 31 October 2012

It's a Boy!

Five days after Katie was due to have the baby 12 hours before she was scheduled to be induced Katie and Jesse went to the hospital. They did not know if it was going to be a boy or a girl, but at 4:16am they met their beautiful son. They brought tiny Frith for a mini session when he was 17 days old, and again for a few more with just Katie when he was 36 days old. It was amazing to see the difference in just a  few weeks. I cant wait to see how big he'll be next time...

Monday 29 October 2012

Adam and Lizette

To celebrate their first wedding anniversary and their new puppy Wrigley, Adam and Liz decided to do a photo session. One of their favourite wedding photos was taken at Elbow Beach. So they have started a tradition; each year they will return to that spot for another photo together. We began the session on Grape Bay as they live nearby. The beach grass is seeding though and there are these horrific spikey burrs everywhere. Liz and Adam both stepped on one, I sat on a cluster and poor Wrigley got some stuck in his fur. But apart from that, the beach was beautiful. We then went over to Elbow Beach to re-enact the wedding image. Thank you both for such a fun afternoon, it was lovely to meet you both...

Saturday 27 October 2012

Green Day...

Declan and Shane looked incredibly fetching in their green. After several recent storms the rocks that have long been hidden under sand were exposed and with their greenish hue, they were the perfect backdrop. They are now covered in sand again, so it was the perfect day for their shoot. Thank you both for making me chuckle...