Tuesday 7 May 2013

A Dazzling Dahlia

About twenty years ago, I met a girl named Dahlia. She imparted some sage advice that I will never forget. She said that if she is ever at a party and would rather be sleeping, it is time to go home. Although I find sleep particularly precious as it often evades me, I have changed the thought slightly... If I would rather be reading my book it is time to go home. And perhaps now, I'll add if I'd rather be gardening it is time to go home.
I picked this magical flower from my garden this morning. A month ago my parents and I went a little nuts one Saturday morning at Aberfeldy Nurseries. We then spent four back-breaking hours planting all the goodies. It has been such a pleasure to watch things grow and bloom, slowly unfolding petal by petal. When I bought this plant there were no flowers, so I really had no idea what to expect. I had chosen two others - a stunning pure magenta  and a terracotta orange and then this mystery plant. There are three more buds waiting to burst. I can't wait to see the next lot of beautiful blooms...

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