Monday 3 June 2013

Courtney & Ray: Bermuda Wedding

In 1999 Ray's company brought all 1,200 employees to Bermuda for one day, which was just enough time for him to fall in love with the beautiful beaches. So when Courtney and Ray decided that they'd like to get married on a beach, it did not take long for them to realise that Bermuda would be the perfect destination. Pastor Dean Smith officiated their tiny ceremony and I arrived just as they were pronounced husband and wife. They wanted to do a trash the dress session but I'm glad I was a little early and managed to capture the last few moments of their ceremony. Even though it was a gorgeous sunny day, the water is still a little chilly, so upon first going into the sea, it took Courtney's breath away. Ray takes her breath away too. It was adorable listening to her. As I photographed Ray under the overhang of the rock, she looked at him, smiled and said "your eyes are killing me right now." And a little later, it was wonderful to see them together, holding each other tightly; they were serious, but tender, with an incredible intensity in their closeness. 
Thank you both for the honour of capturing your joy...

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