Monday 7 October 2013

Francesca & Grayson: Bermuda Wedding

Francesca and Grayson both have a passion for soccer. They played for elite club teams and although they were not at the same school, they would see each other at games. One day their teams spent an afternoon at the lake. Grayson says that Francesca's skill on the field and her beautiful smile off the field instantly caught his attention. They formed a friendship that would continue despite many separations. Although Francesca's family moved away, they still managed to see each other occasionally, then they went to different colleges, then Grayson transferred and they were together, then Francesca went off to medical school so they were apart again but they always kept in touch. Years went by and then one day Grayson received a call from Francesca. She was moving back to their hometown and he was the first to know. Grayson helped her get settled and it was not long before they rekindled their relationship. 
Francesca's parents had been to Bermuda before and with her family being British, they thought the island was the perfect way for Grayson's family and their friends to experience a little British culture. 
It was wonderful to meet you all and I hope you had a fabulous time in Bermuda. Your happiness was infectious and an absolute joy to photograph, so thank you for a lovely evening.

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