Friday 11 September 2015

The Gastrocks Bermuda Family Reunion

"The Gastrock family has been coming to Bermuda for around 50 years. Bob's father owned and developed the Marley beach property many years ago. Many memories were made there together during family reunions. After he passed away the family was still able come to the island but not quite as frequently.  This year marks the 45th wedding anniversary of Bob and Judi Gastrock.  To celebrate the families decided to have a reunion joining families from Anchorage, Alaska, Tuscon, Arizona and Boston, Massachusetts. It was a wonderful way to celebrate the legacy and marriage of Bob and Judi."
The heavens opened within the first five minutes of the shoot, so we all scrambled for cover under the rock at Stonehole Bay. We took a few photos while hiding in the rain, but luckily it was a passing shower which cleared and it became a beautiful evening. Thank you all for a wonderful evening!

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