Sunday 23 October 2016

Kara & Richard's Bermuda Wedding

"Kara and I grew up years and worlds apart. She was from Utah and I was from South Florida. She relocated to the North-east, I moved to a different street in South Florida. Then, by some sort of serendipity, we both moved to Atlanta. We met during a beach volleyball game and became lifelong friends. Although we each went our separate ways, got married to other people and moved a few more times, our friendship was always intact.
Fast forward to 2013 when we both found ourselves single and in the same city.  And as they say… the rest is history. Making the decision to more than friends was a big deal but because we shared so many common traits and interests it was easy to give it a shot.  We have never looked back and cherish every day we get to spend together.
We decided to get married in Bermuda since we both share a love for the ocean, beach and travel.  We were not disappointed.  The breathtaking beauty of the pink sand beaches and rock formations was the perfect setting for our dreams to come true."
Thank you both for a remarkable evening. Everything really was so beautiful and it was an honour to be a part of your day.

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