Thursday 9 April 2009

Columbia Road

I normally don't get out of my pyjamas until close to noon - on any day. But last Sunday it was a beautiful morning so I decided to go to the Columbia Road flower market. Tulips are my favourite flower and being it is tulip season - I was in heaven. There was such an abundance of fabulous blooms I was just overjoyed! A kid in a candy shop. But the problem then came - which to take home - all of them was not really an option though it was my wish. There were so many varieties I had never seen before - just yummy!

And every other possible plant too...

On one side the road there is an amazing mosaic and on the other
adorable little shops. Here are a few of the goodies on offer...

These are the tulips I finally decided upon - well one lot - 2 bunches of these and 3 bunches of a different variegated orange. And how groovy that this door has the same colours...

And at home on my dining table they did open rather quickly... but I just love the way tulips die so gracefully. They continue to grow, twisting and turning and each day they have rearranged themselves to become more beautiful than the day before. Until finally, the petals become translucent and eventually fall.

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