Monday 11 January 2010

Afternoon Tea

Oslo hovered cautiously a few feet from the silver trays of goodies - trying to decide what to take from the selection of crustless triangular sandwiches and array of cakes and cookies. Outside on the balcony, Henry, the ginger cat with a freckled nose, waited patiently for any donations. Just over the edge, camouflaged in the bay grape tree, were about 75 sparrows. Indigo tossed a mere crumb and the flock descended in a race for the tiny morsel. These are the memories of my childhood too. It is wonderful that this tradition continues and having tea with my sister Sacha, her husband Ben and my neice and nephew is a perfect way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
Oslo and Indigo are beautiful balls of energy, so we deemed it wise to run on the beach first so that being still and quiet during tea time would not be total torture. Despite the drizzle and frigid temperatures, I offered to do a few family photos in their winter woolies. Here are a few of my favourites...

1 comment:

  1. Love love love them! Thank you so much for capturing our family just having fun together!! I know we are not all decked out glam as I would have liked a family shoot to be, with lots of cute personal props and accessories, but this is so real and so us so thank you thank you thank you!!! xx
