Friday 14 May 2010

Bermuda Weddings: Sonja & Fernando

I waited for Sonja and Fernando under the Banyon trees at the Botanical Gardens. They had a small intimate ceremony in Hamilton but wanted some portraits with their family before heading to their wedding dinner. As Sonja came towards me with her wonderful huge smile, I was blown away by the light shining through her fabulous dress. She wanted something non-traditional and after an extensive search actually found this dress on Ebay!
I have known Sonja for years but as I had never met Fernando, I asked her to send me a few morsels she'd like to share on the blog. Here is what she sent...
"It is amazing how we can live on a 21 square mile island and never meet someone. Fernando had been living in Bermuda for over six years and although our paths had crossed many times, they never intersected until recently. Fernando moved into my building and came to my door one evening to introduce himself. I thought he was handsome but there I was practically in my pajamas with my sick child pulling at me - I'm sure it was a wildly attractive scene! Over time we built a friendship and as we were both recovering from past relationships the beginning was tentative and sporadic. Finally something just clicked and we went into overdrive, we became inseperable and felt comfortable planning a future together. I am hardly a romantic and had pooh-poohed others that fell in love and had whirlwind relationships, but it is unbelievable the comfort you feel when the person is so right for you. My relationship with Fernando has changed me in many ways, that a year ago I would never have believed possible."
Thank you so much for a wonderful afternoon. You were both a pleasure to photograph - your laughter was lovely and your tenderness towards each other was just divine.

"Sometimes people that are special to us pass on before we get to share precious moments with them, but little things happen that let us know they are still with us. My stepfather, Joe passed away two years ago and I wore a ring he left me as my "something old", to make sure he was with me on my wedding day. While doing the photographs Amanda asked me to stand in an archway of flowers and when I looked, I realized they were passion flowers - Joe's favourite. My heart swelled and I knew it was no accident. The following day in our hotel I picked up the soap and it was scented with Cologne 1800. Joe collected soaps to remember his travels and Cologne 1800 was his favourite, although it had been discontinued years ago. I smelled it and was flooded with childhood memories. a logical person could explain these things away as pure coincidence, but I know that Joe was with me and that these were his hints to say so."

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