Monday 11 October 2010

Sarah & Robert: Bermuda Wedding

In March 2006, someone broke into Sarah's car. She called the police and Robert was the officer that came to aid the beautiful damsel in distress. He came by a couple times after that to check on her and on his third visit, he nervously asked her out...
The week before Robert was deployed to Iraq he proposed. Their families had all dined together three weeks before and Robert had requested her mother and step father's permission, which was of course granted. From bended knee he asked her to be his wife, Sarah was totally surprised and completely over the moon.
They were married on 11 September. For all Americans, this is a date that has very strong emotions attached, but particularly for Robert and Sarah. He had been serving in Iraq because of that fateful day, but 11 September 2010 was also the one year anniversary of his homecoming. So they thought it would be a perfect way to celebrate his safe return and make a beautiful memory on the date.

In 1999 Sarah went to help find a wedding dress for her best friend. Which they did, but Sarah also saw this dress, and although she was not at all sure when she would wear it, she was sure it would be the dress she would get married in.

Another wonderful little story... On June 14, 2002 Sarah's father and step mother were also married in Bermuda. Their wedding was also arranged by Bermuda Bride and I was the photographer. It was an honour to photograph your wedding too and I wish you both eternal happiness...

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