Thursday 18 November 2010

The hills are alive...

...with the sound of the Powells' laughter. Lily and Amelie were truly on fire the day of our shoot. They wiggled and giggled and pulled an array of expressions I have never seen before. Margo wants to do a Christmas card so I suggested that on the front they have the picture perfect family portrait and on the back all the out-takes. They are just wonderful and so funny - here are some of my favourites... Thank you all for a highly entertaining afternoon...

Margo is half Austrian and spent part of her childhood living in Vienna. They would hike clad in Dirndels and lederhosen though the mountain trails and visit small Austrian villages where this clothing was the norm. Living in Bermuda, she rarely gets the chance to wear her Austrian frocks, so whenever an occasion does arrive, she leaps at it. The family will actually be moving to Switzerland next year, so with a return to the Alps, they decided that traditional alpine dress would be perfect for their holiday card. Margo now plans to keep all their dirndels in the family to be passed on to future generations. She is hoping that living in Switzerland will instill the same love of traditional dress in her daughters that she has herself. If nothing else, they will certainly acquire a new appreciation for chocolate and fondue!

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