Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year

The sun is shining and I am smiling. It is a new year and a new chance to grow and to learn. I remember a few years ago Evian water ran a campaign saying that every day is a new day to be healthy. I am not sure what the exact wording was, but I recall being so inspired by that notion. Rather than feeling guilty about the vast quantity of chocolate I had consumed, that tomorrow was another day and another chance to do something new, something different to make my life better. And although I would usually consume more chocolate, I would also go to ballet, or for a walk on the beach and also have a grapefruit and lots of water. So this year, I am sure I will continue to enjoy lots of chocolate, but I also plan to live each day as a new opportunity to make everything better. To always take time for myself, to sleep more, to read more and to learn more. I went to my first photography conference in November and it was wonderful. To spend time with other photographers; learning, sharing and being inspired by the amazing people there was probably the most valuable thing I have done for my photography in a long time. I am truly excited about 2011 and have so many hopes and plans to make this year even better than the last... And I am looking forward to inspiring myself and my clients to create some really amazing images... 

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