Tuesday 28 June 2011

"Just Because it's Tuesday"

The first time Tori saw Justin he was on stage in a comedy show that she'd decided to attend at the last minute. Tori leaned over to her friend and whispered "I have to meet this guy, he's hysterical". Later that night they did meet and not long after they went for their first date - pizza at La Trat. The date was followed up by flowers with a card that read "Just because it's Tuesday." In Tori's words... "Besides him being stunningly handsome, innovative and completely selfless, he is my rock and confidant, not to mention, there's never been a dull moment! Thank goodness for last minute decisions and a ton of laughter along the way! Happiness is a powerful thing and I'm glad to share it now and forever with the man of my dreams".

Justin had chosen this sapphire engagement ring and had Tori's mother come and have a look, just to confirm he had made the right choice. Tori prefers things that are a little different, evident by her fabulous orange shoes! They had originally planned on a sapphire eternity band to go with it, but then Tori's mother offered this wedding band that had belonged to her grandmother. Tori's father passed away just a few short weeks before the wedding so it seemed more meaningful to have a ring that had been in the family. Tori also had her bouquet wrapped with her father's tie to keep him close to her throughout the wedding. 
It really was an emotional day, I found my chest tight from time to time, so I can only imagine the intensity of the pain and joy that Tori must have been feeling. But she is right, Justin is her rock. Watching them together was inspiring, his tenderness and strength was wonderful, and clearly they adore each other. Thank you both for the honour of being a part of your special day...

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely stunning pictures Amanda!! So glad you were able to capture the love & happiness of their special day :)
