Monday 6 June 2011

Katie and Jesse: Trash the Dress

It was a lovely Friday evening, so Jesse suggested they wander to the end of the beach and go fishing. So off they went with the dogs, a pail of Corona, fishing rods and bait. Katie got right to it, but as fishing is not her forte, she managed to hook a rock. "I hope this rock spits back my line", she exclaimed. To which Jesse responded "Well I hope you don't spit this rock back, will you marry me?" And presented Katie with an engagement ring. She said yes of course, and they were married exactly a year later. We scheduled this session a month after their wedding, and thought it would be fun to reenact their proposal. So with pail and rod in hand, we strolled down the beach. We stopped along the way to capture a few in the still tidal pools. The light was sensational, the tide was low and the reflections were stunning. Thank you both for a wonderful evening - I really had a marvelous time!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Amanda! These are fantastic, we had so much doing them too. Thank you again they are perfect! Katie xox
