Friday 17 June 2011

Martina & Brendan: Trash the Dress

On the first day of their honeymoon in Bermuda Martina and Brendan headed straight to the beach. While swimming, Brendan was knocked over by a big wave and upon resurfacing realised he had lost his wedding ring. He searched and searched, but with no luck. They returned to Warwick Long Bay several times in the hope that miraculously it would turn up, but it never did. They have replaced it with a shell ring they found at the Clocktower Mall in Dockyard. Martina wrote me and said that although devastated, they will always remember their time in Bermuda and Bermuda, or some fish, will always have a part of them. Thank you both for a lovely afternoon, I hope that despite your loss that you had an amazing honeymoon here...

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