Sunday 14 August 2011

Lee & Brian: Bermuda Wedding

They had planned a Bermuda getaway with their family as a much needed vacation for all of them. But a little while before that, Brian had planned a special date for just the two of them. But on the day, Lee was ill and really did not feel up to it. Brian was freaking, their children were freaking and the entire family was freaking, but Lee was clueless. Brian did finally convince her to go and surprised her with a helicopter ride over Manhattan where he proposed. She accepted of course and Brian suggested that they get married while on their family holiday. Their sunny beach wedding did not happen though as about 4 inches of rain fell that day. But they did get married and having watched these two together, I'm sure that they, along with their children, Peyton, Trent and Reed will all live happily ever after. Thank you so much for being so calm and happy and agreeing to let me photograph you standing out in the rain... 

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