Thursday 7 June 2012

Five Years On

I photographed Cori and Don's wedding five years ago. It was a stunning wedding, Cori looked absolutely gorgeous, Don was ever so dashing and they were completely in love. And I am happy to see that they still are - gorgeous, dashing and in love. They returned to Bermuda to celebrate their anniversary and decided to stay in the same room at Elbow Beach; this time though there were four of them sharing the room. It was a stormy day, but as they were only here for a couple days, we had decided to do their shoot no matter what. We started in their room - Jeidus was very happy to jump on the bed and pose but Seren was really not keen on any of it - particularly when we did go out into the wet, windy day. Thank you all though for braving the elements - and for a really fun shoot. I hope to see you again in another five years...


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