Tuesday 27 November 2012

Playing in the Puddle

Kim and Claude have just returned to the island after living in London for several years. Their eldest son Alex was born here but has no memory of it as they left when he was just six months old. The family are happy to be back again and looking forward to this chapter in their lives. Half way through the shoot it poured, we ran for cover under my porch to wait it out. It did stop and then I suggested that perhaps the boys might like to play in the puddle at the end of the garden. Alex was not totally thrilled with the idea but Jude was having a grand time until he toppled over face first into the muddy water. And that was the end of that. So we all got cleaned up and headed over to Elbow Beach to get a few shots playing in the sand. Thank you all for a lovely morning - I do hope Jude is ok after his spill...

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