Friday 6 September 2013

Janee & Gary -- A Love Story. . . . .

He was a “BRUCE” fan; he called her “Crazy Janee”. She was his Jersey Girl; she finally found her PrinceThey were a young couple with a unique and special spark that everyone around could feel.
They began their journey together on a beautiful August day back in 1993, eager to experience all that life had to offer and excited to experience it together. Young, innocent and unaware of all the ways in which their life together would shape and test them, neither could have known all the joys and challenges that would be presented along the way.

The Universe gave the couple gifts in the form of Rachel and Olivia. These two beautiful spirits joined their parents who have been blessed with the privilege to guide and mentor them through life. Sharing their lives with Rachel and Olivia has given Janee and Gary the wonderful opportunity to model for their children what it looks like to use a relationship as a tool for one’s own personal growth and for the extension of unconditional love.

Many years have passed and like most couples together for any distance in time, they have learned along the way that creating a relationship with meaning, depth and real intimacy takes courage, perseverance, patience and of course, Love. 
Renewing their Vows to each other after 20 years is testament to the fact that if one has the courage to allow it, challenges and difficulties can be the very things that make a relationship stronger and allow love to grow and deepen in ways never imagined.
Thank you both for the honour of capturing your love and your beautiful family...

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