Thursday 31 October 2013

I Love Paris in the Springtime

And I love Paris in the fall, and for that matter, in the winter and summer too. I spent five days in Paris in September. A friend came to meet me and although I had only been there for 36 hours, she said she had never seen me happier or more energetic. 
She's right - Paris feeds me. It satiates my hunger for speaking French. With a university degree in French Literature, it is shameful how infrequently I speak the language that I love so much. Paris inspires me - this trip's highlight was a visit to the Musé d'Orsay. I stood before George Seurat's Le Cirque and wept. Then moments later I was overcome with happiness at seeing Odilon Redon's flower panels. 
I wander the tiny back streets and get lost in their magic. I look at the beautiful detail in the peeling paint, the worn wood and the aged bronzed and imagine the tales these buildings could tell. 
I shot hundreds of photos that week, but I am waiting until I have enough time to go through them properly. Wedding season is almost finished and then I will curl up with a cup of cocoa and relive that fabulous week. But for now, here are a few of my favourite Instagram photos shot with the iphone I bought the week before solely to shoot the city in squares. 

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