Tuesday 21 January 2014

All Together at the Beach:

Elena and Langdon were married in Bermuda 5 years ago and live in Virginia. As Elena's sister Mona lives here, they visit Bermuda very often and suggested doing family photos this trip since their parents were also going to be here for this trip. 
Faezeh and Jahangir Behrouzi have lived in Brazil for 36 years and love spending time with their grand children. They are wonderfully hands-on; always playing with the kids and they love babysitting too. They'll be celebrating their 40th anniversary this month. 
Blythe and Mona have been married for 12 years. Their children Leyli, Anisa and Dylan are very close to their cousins Kiyan Jaden and Kayla Yasmin. Dylan and Kiyan in particular get along really well and miss each other terribly so they have a lot of "Skype" play dates and often ask to get on a plane to go visit each other. The families tend to see each other two or three times a year. Leyli loves babies and is always asking to hold Kayla and play with her. And Anisa loves playing with her little cousins too. 

They all love doing these family portraits every year so they can see how much the kids have changed. Here is a link to last year's shoot - and it is amazing how much the kids have changed.
Thank you all for a fun afternoon...

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