Tuesday 22 April 2014

My last day in Paris

I rose before the sun to make the most of my final day in the city. Paris was so quiet, it was almost eerie to be in the street alone. It was not long though before the rustle of life began; the sweeping of streets, the opening of bakeries, Parisians searching for coffee. 

 I had been in Paris for almost four weeks and had not been into the Louvre. I'd passed it day and night many times but had not ventured inside. So what better way to spend part of my last day?
There were already so many people there, but once inside I immediately ascended the stairs to the upper galleries and they were virtually empty save for a few artists hard at work.

 I went back to the flat, exhausted having strolled around Paris since dawn and then the museum for four hours. At day's end I ventured out again. Strolled along the Seine and watched the sun set behind the Eiffel Tower. It had been a wonderful sojourn, but I was ready to return home. As much as I adore Paris, I did not realise how much I had missed the ocean...

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