Saturday 24 May 2014

A Beautiful Bundle of Love

I first photographed Kim and Marc about a month before Giada was born. Their maternity session was absolutely beautiful and their excitement and anticipation of the arrival of their daughter was adorable. I asked Kim how it all went and this is what she shared...
"Just two days before our baby's birthday, I had a maternity massage. I never predicted what would happen when it ended...  Shortly after standing and putting on my robe to leave the room, drops of clear water begin to trickle down my legs. I was in total shock, but also excited. Not thinking clearly, I. continued with my plan to go for a quick swim. I told my sister that I thought my water had broken and she responded instantaneously, "If your water broke, why are you swimming? Get out of the pool now, Kimmi!" She was right. What was I thinking? I hurried out and later that evening Marc took me to the hospital. Then, finally the day came, March 23, at 2:30pm. I will never forget this day. We had a home birth in a tub of warm water right in the middle of our living room. The delivery was emotional and painful, yet mystical and magical all at the same time. My husband was my epidural. His touch and his support made the delivery bearable. Marc and I experienced one of life's most precious moments on that day - we were blessed with the birth of our beautiful baby girl. Giada's beauty is beyond what we had ever imagined. We are so pleased to have photos that will forever capture this time in her life at four and a half weeks old. We could not have asked for a better photographer! Amanda, you are amazing at capturing such precious moments. Thank you."
And thank you both. It was lovely to meet your tiny bundle of love, she really is beautiful!

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