Thursday 12 June 2014

Jamie & Travis: Bermuda Wedding

I am at Stonehole Bay probably about 60 times a year for weddings and family portraits. But every single time I am in awe of how beautiful it is. But on the evening of Travis and Jamie's wedding it was exceptionally beautiful. The baygrapes are growing their new leaves and the warm breeze whispered that summer is here. Thank you both for a lovely evening; your smiles made me happy...
"It’s been said, "Patience is a virtue" and that "good things come to those who wait". For the two of us this couldn’t be truer. We were drawn to one another nearly 12 years ago and have been inseparable ever since. After ten years of being together, we traveled to the Mediterranean for a three week adventure. As the sun set in the Venice sky I took a knee and asked for the honor and privilege of Jamie’s hand in marriage in front of the Santa Maria Della Salute.  It was Perfecto!
After two years of wedding planning and anticipation, we arrived in Bermuda. When we first walked the path to Stonehole Bay, we were astonished by the surreal views; it was better than we could have ever imagined. Bermuda managed to bless us with perfect weather despite the forecast concerns of rain, and wind.  We enjoyed the warm afternoon sun, gentle ocean scented breezes, and the sounds of a steel drum backed by ocean waves. It was the perfect day for us to officially recognize our love for each other. 
We hired a wonderful wedding planner that made this dream of ours reality. This is how we met Amanda Temple. While we both love photography, Travis, is far more talented in this area and knew from the start of planning that she was our gal to photograph the occasion. 
While we know Amanda has shot many weddings, this might be the first were someone accidently fell into the ocean before the group photos. This is what happened to my mother. One of the beautiful things about Stonehole Bay is the dramatic crashing of the waves against the cliff and rock formations. While she was taking a closer look a large crab settled on a rock, a big wave rolled in and splashed up drenching her completely. Nonetheless, she took it with style, grace, and humor.
After 12 wonderful years of love and friendship, we feel truly blessed to have been able to share this dream of ours with family and friends. Additionally, we are grateful that Amanda was able to capture it with her own artistic vision."

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