Thursday 3 July 2014

Mason in the Moat

"Mason has three older siblings; Tyler is 19, Brandon is 17 and Brianna is 13. While there is a big difference in age, the love and attention they shower on Mason is heart-warming. Every morning, he waits to greet them with a big, pearly white, two teeth grin! They love him to pieces and as a parent, there is nothing more beautiful - family is everything. It is easy to love Mason as he is such a happy and affectionate baby. With his pudgy legs, baby curls and big brown eyes and an infectious smile. Friends and family often say that he puts a smile on their face as he is always smiling and happy and that he smiles with his eyes. God truly blessed us with a special boy. We decided to do a shoot with you as your photos are awesome and I needed someone to capture the innocence, love and sheer happiness that Mason exudes. I moved fast as we wanted to do the shoot before he was crawling and getting to that "busy" stage... little did we know that he would start to crawl the day before the shoot."
Thank you Andrea and Stephen for a fun afternoon in the moat. You are right, Mason's smile is infectious; my cheeks were hurting when I got back to my car.

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