Monday 6 July 2015

Kurt and Tracey's Bermuda Wedding

Kurt and Tracey met in June 2013 and had their first date over ice cream. Kurt came home and told his sister he'd just met his future wife. After a three-hour phone conversation that weekend, Tracey was hooked on Kurt, too. On a trip to Peru one year later, Kurt proposed atop Huayna Picchu, the mountain overlooking the city of Machu Picchu. Tracey was completely surprised!
They chose Bermuda for their wedding so that the beach setting would be similar to Kurt's home island - Jamaica. And being so close to the east coast of the US, they will be able be able to visit again in the future. They set their wedding date for June 11, two years to the day after their first date.
A couple days before the wedding we met up at Horseshoe Bay for an engagement shoot of sorts. It was a fun afternoon and enabled me to see how Kurt and Tracey are as a couple and for them to be more comfortable with me and my camera.
Thank you both for a fabulous few days! I really enjoyed meeting you and your friends and photographing you was an absolute pleasure!

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