Wednesday 26 August 2015

Christine & Graham's Bermuda Wedding

"We didn't expect to find love again but our two youngest daughters, Amy and Beth, being high school friends, were having none of that and set us up on our first date together. We met in the beautiful Hertfordshire countryside and we never anticipated the fact that three years later, we would be happily married living altogether in that same pretty village. 
Getting married in Bermuda was a magical experience for both of us. The turquoise sea and pink coral sand is something we will never forget. How could anyone not get carried away by the sheer beauty and romance of Tucker's Point? We also had the pleasure of sharing our very special day with all 4 of our amazing daughters who helped 'make the moment' for us. 
23rd July 2015 is a day for us to remember and cherish. We look forward to many more visits to Tucker's Point in the future to retrace our footsteps in the sparkling sands and walk along the shoreline holding hands together."
It had rained all day, I had spoken to Nikki at Bermuda Bride about five times trying to decide what to do. They had their heart set on a beach wedding but it looked like we would have to stay in the library. But amazingly, as so often happens in Bermuda, there was a break in the weather. So we decided to risk it. And it could not have been more perfect; the rain held off just long enough. The drops began falling again at the time we had planned to leave. We drove to Darrell's Wharf and again the skies cleared for their beautiful sunset cruise on Lady Charlotte.
Thank you all for such a wonderful evening. It was an honour to capture your family's happiness and love!

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