Sunday 2 August 2015

The Sanders Six

"Our oldest is headed off to college and our youngest to first grade, so we felt it was a great time to capture our life together before we begin launching children into this great big world. We loved Bermuda and our oldest son Austin got very familiar with the Bermuda tradition of rock jumping and Moped Road RASH! Lane loved the pink sand in her toes and sunbathing on the shores. She's going into middle school this year and can't wait to share her Bermuda adventures with her friends! Becca and Coleton became quite the adventurous snorkelers while on the island.  They love that water and all the fun it offers snorkeling. Coleton even jumped off a large boat this year right out into the middle of the ocean! Brave little guy.  Steve and I have been married 19 years this year and treasure raising these precious blonde beauties!  We are so thankful for our summer beach adventures together to catch up with each other and make treasured memories."
Thank you all for an absolutely wonderful afternoon! I am so happy you had such a great holiday in Bermuda!

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