Friday 9 October 2015

Bernadine & Ted's Bermuda Wedding

Bernadine and Ted had their first date on March 30, 2010 at a restaurant called Devon. They had their first kiss about a week or two later on a street corner near Devon and would return for each anniversary. They dated happily and enjoyed each others company tremendously. Bernadine always knew she wanted to spend her life with Ted, but Ted was a little more cautious. But finally after having dinner at Devon on their fifth year anniversary Ted got on his knees to propose and completely surprised Bernadine. 
Thank you both for a lovely afternoon; it was wonderful to photograph your intimate celebration!
"20 years ago I visited Bermuda for a few days while on a cruise. I rode around the island in a scooter. I saw this couple get married at Astwood park. It was just the two of them with Some musicians. I thought it was so intimate and romantic. I had always dreamed of having this type of wedding. When Ted asked me to marry him, I told him my dream and luckily he agreed." 
"I questioned Bernadine before proposing to her and she made it clear that an engagement ring was out. Asking her father for permission was also out. A secret Bermuda wedding was in. For months I had to coyly respond to friends and my daughter, when asked if I was going to propose or had gotten the ring."

"When I proposed I was tremendously happy. I also felt that it was what I wanted and had no reservations.  I loved Bernadine so much and knew that I will always love her. I felt the same way when I saw her walking across the grass to the wedding table."

"My favorite part of our wedding was looking so closely and intently into Ted's eyes during our vows. I was so filled with emotion because I was so happy that I could hardly recite my vows."

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