Monday 14 December 2015

Helen and Ben are Engaged!

Ben and Helen met over two years ago. Helen was on her way to work one day when she heard a friendly voice from a window call "Good morning". It was Ben (who always likes to make it clear that he was not cat-calling). As the weeks passed, their morning chats out of the company window progressed. Helen would turn up to work earlier and earlier to have more time to chat to Ben and eventually Ben asked if she would like to go to dinner. The rest, as they say, is history. What Helen didn't know until a few weeks into them dating was that Ben had noticed her from that window quite a while before they actually met and whenever he saw her he would say to his work colleagues, "There goes my dream girl".
"We went for a walk at Ferry Reach in May and it was such a beautiful day. We took some lovely photographs from Martello Tower and I remember thinking at the time, 'If we ever get engaged, I'd love for us to come here for some pictures'. Seven months later, there we were :) Thank you, Amanda, for making the afternoon so much fun!"
It was a pleasure to meet you both! Your infectious laughter and adorable cuddles and kisses were wonderful and it was an absolute joy to capture you both in such a gorgeous setting on another beautiful day at Ferry Reach.

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