Wednesday 9 December 2015

Will & Leah's Bermuda Wedding

"Though we only started dating last December, we have known of one another for most of our lives.  We both grew up in Harwich, Massachusetts, a small town on Cape Cod.  Will is a couple years older than me, but the size of our community and school system assured we each knew of the other, and my sister and Will’s brother were in the same grade. After high school, Will and I would bump into each other at a mutual friend’s Christmas party, but other than that had virtually no contact; even though we both lived in Boston and travelled in similar social circles.  At last year’s party, I approached Will and suggested we get a drink some time. He loves to point out that “I asked him out”.  Soon thereafter we were inseparable and now, less than a year later, we are married.
After spending many years alone, or worse, in the wrong relationship, I would beome frustrated when people would remark that “I’d find the one, probably when I wasn’t looking.” As it turns out, they were all right.  That we were to spend our lives together was obvious almost instantly.  We were so happy to celebrate our love with our families in such a breathtaking location. 
Thank you both for two wonderful shoots. It was an honour to photograph your intimate wedding!

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