Tuesday 24 May 2016

Back in Bermuda

"When my husband and I were planning our wedding in 2010, the first thing I did was write to Amanda (even before purchasing 'the dress'). When our daughter was born, I knew we would be taking a trip to Bermuda. We were very excited to come back and to have Amanda take our photos again: we love our wedding pictures and still look at them with great satisfaction and love.
Our daughter Evelyn had just fallen asleep when Amanda arrived, and was rudely awoken as we put her into her fancy dress. We were worried that she would be cranky throughout the session but, thank goodness, she loved Amanda and gave her big smiles."
It was so wonderful to see you all again. I too am still incredibly fond of your wedding photos. Evelyn was absolutely delightful, and I am so happy I was able to make her smile!

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