Monday 18 July 2016

The Sharer Family in Bermuda

Three generations of the Sharer family were in Bermuda and to celebrate they thought it would be wonderful to have some portraits taken of them all together. As they were staying in St George's we decided on the beaches at Fort St Catherine would be the best place. I am particularly fond of this spot where the grey limestone wall that meets with the soft blue of the shallow water and the green vines grow onto the pink sand. And as it was so hot and sunny, it provided a perfect shady corner.
  "After the shoot we all went to dinner and the kids kept giggling about getting their nickers wet in the ocean with Princess Amande (that's you. I told them you were a princess because a few months back they were the page boy and flower girl in a wedding and Evie did not take to the photographer. So I figured if you were a princess we might get some smiles out of her."
Thank you for a fun shoot - it was lovely to meet you all and Evelyn and Henry were adorable.

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