Wednesday 24 August 2016

Carol and Eric's Bermuda Wedding

"God clearly had a greater plan for Eric and I than we had for ourselves. We had both been divorced when we met, and each of us had a beautiful girl, now ages 8 and 10. I am an elementary school teacher and Eric is a music agent. We would have never crossed paths based on where we lived and our professions. One day, my co-worker convinced me to join eharmony.  I am so grateful that she did, because that is how Eric and I found one another. He was my second date, and my last!

There were tears, there was laughter, and hugs, lots and lots of hugs. All of which were wonderful to capture. Thank you for the honour of being a part of your lovely wedding!
"Eric and I share and communicate everything about past, present and future.  We share the love that we have for one another and our two beautiful girls. We have a lot of fun together and do a lot of traveling when we can. We bring out the best in each other. Eric has an unbelievable sense of humor, and I guess I have acquired one since we have been together!  He has visited every part of the world except for Iceland and India. Since I have been with Eric he has showed me many parts of this beautiful world we are a part of. Why did we choose Bermuda?  Bermuda is unlike any other place we have traveled to. Although only my second time here, Eric's parents would take him as a child. I would see him staring at a rock in Jobson Cove, or Horseshoe Bay and he would be lost in thought.  He was reminiscing to when he was a child and his parents would take him there. The people are friendly, water and beaches are beautiful, and the whole place is kept in immaculate condition. You can tell that the locals in Bermuda take pride in where they live and work hard to keep it as beautiful as it is, and we appreciate that!  We too fell in love with Bermuda and couldn't think of a better place to "officially" become a family. I say officially, because we have always seen each other as family, we have always had the commitment, I have always been Arden's step mom and Eric has always been Grace's stepdad, but now it is going to be "official". 

Eric's mom passed away just over 2 years ago.  We only met twice, because she was in the hospital. She called me a "keeper".  It's amazing how she knew, before we did and is now an angel watching over us.  

A verse from our favorite song-I love you Till the End"
I just want to see you
When you're all alone
I just want to catch you if I can
I just want to be there when the morning light explodes
On your face it radiates 
I can't escape
I love you till the end

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