Friday 9 December 2016

Alex and Mike are Engaged!

"Mike and I were introduced to each other by our mutual friend, Charlotte in October 2015. Charlotte’s husband Dave grew up with Mike in Connecticut.  Despite the fact that Mike and I shared these common friends, we had never met.  Charlotte decided to plan a Halloween party so that Mike and I would have the opportunity to meet in a casual way. We didn’t talk much at the party but a small spark was definitely there. We agreed to meet up the following week in New York.  Our first date was technically a double date with Mike’s friend Matt and his new girlfriend, Jess. Our night started in Long Island City and ended at one of my favorite late night Brooklyn dancing spots, Franklin Park. The rest is history. We spent a ton of time together leading up to the holidays including a trip to Sydney, Australia with our closest friends. By New Year’s Eve, we were in love. I don’t think I could have dreamed up a better match for myself.  Mike is my best friend and has been my rock ever since we met.  Mike proposed to me under the Brooklyn Bridge on my birthday.  We were just shy of our one year anniversary.  I can’t believe what a difference a year can make in a person’s life.  In search of a perfect wedding venue, Mike and I traveled to Bermuda last month and were lucky enough to take some fabulous engagement photos with one amazing photographer.  Thank you Amanda!" “Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.  They’re in each other all along.” – Rumi

It was an absolute pleasure to meet you both; thank you so much for a delightful afternoon!

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