Thursday 11 July 2013

Kati & Matthew: Bermuda Wedding

They met nine years ago at their summer job and on their the eighth anniversary they got married. 
Stonehole Bay was as beautiful as ever; the sea was calm and there was not a cloud in the sky. I asked Kati about her day, and this is what she said... 
"...We couldn't have imagined it going better. Bermuda was the most beautiful place and exceeded our every expectation. We shared the day with our closest family. Matt at Elbow Beach and me at the spa. And after the wedding we had a delicious dinner at Blu and a late night swim at our hotel. It was the most perfect day. Bermuda is a place we will always remember and visit as often as we can."
Thank you both for a lovely day. I am so happy for you and hope you will make it back to our little island soon...

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