Saturday 13 July 2013

The Minalga Family

I met the Minalga family at Stonehole Bay for a shoot to capture some memories of their holiday in Bermuda.
I asked Wendy what the girls had thought about the shoot and this is what Wendy said...
"The girls had their ballet recital right before our trip. It was Blakely's 3rd recital and Brooke's 1st. I read the story on your blog about you being a ballerina. That was the big thing - they were so excited to meet a ballerina! That's where the pink color scheme came from too. I asked Blake what she remembers from that day on the beach with you and she said "she was so nice and she loves ballet, like me".  Brooke thinks you are a princess and Logan, it was obvious he had fun with you - if only he was of the age to express his thoughts a little better.
You were really wonderful with the kids! They all had a great time with you. I don't know how you do it! You had so much patience chasing them around. Thanks again."
And thank you too. I had a wonderful time photographing your family.

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