Saturday 16 July 2016

Alex and Sara's Bermuda Wedding

"Alex and I grew up in Maryland suburbs near each other, went to high school a short walk from each other, and lived across the street from each other (literally directly across the street) in DC for three years before we met in September 2013."
When they started planning their wedding they picked Bermuda because Alex loves the beach, and because Sara had an amazing family vacation in Bermuda when she was twelve and had always wanted to return.
It really was a wonderful day - and an honour to be a part of it. Often with beach weddings the surf is too loud and I can't hear, but there was very little wind so I was able to listen to their vows. Sara went first and all she could manage was his name before the tears came. It was so touching to see her overcome with joy. She took a moment, Alex touched her and then she continued with the beautiful sentiments she had composed. And then it was Alex's turn; he too had written a moving pledge, but his was sprinkled with a wee dash of humour. "Of all the boys on the internet, I am so glad you picked me." he said. Like one in eight marriages these days, they had met online. It was such a sweet and amusing little addition and all their friends gently giggled. I love it when couples choose to write their own vows; it makes the ceremony so much more intimate and unique. 
When I came home that night I sat on my porch and watched the most amazing lightning storm off the South Shore. I was mesmerised by its beauty, was thinking what an amazing backdrop for Alex and Sara, but was also hoping it would not come ashore - it didn't. Thank you both for an amazing day!

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