Monday 11 July 2016

Rachel and James Trash the Dress

"Picture it… Montreal, 2015 – a wedding Saturday within the month of June. We had the most beautiful and elegant waterfront ceremony and reception with a backdrop of perfect weather that lasted through the night. A very happy and in love Mr. & Mrs. Fournier we became. We received some beautiful photos of the big day, yet… something was missing from them.
Skip forward to our first anniversary – June 2016, for which we travelled to what we like to call our second home – Bermuda. We stayed with incredible friends on their magnificent property. What fun it would be, we thought, to take some anniversary photos with the majestic Bermudian landscapes to celebrate our first year, decked out in our wedding attire – because, why wear a gorgeous wedding dress just the once? Little did we know what luck awaited us: the phenomenal Amanda Temple would be doing the shoot! A truly unforgettable experience with one of the most skilled photographers out there, along with the help of the amazing Alexandra Mosher. And just like that, we realized what had been missing from our wedding photos all along: Bermuda."
It was truly a pleasure to spend time with you both; the way you look at each other is just lovely! Thank you for a fabulous shot!

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